The latest news and insights from Ride High Country

Ignition MTB at Falls Creek Goes Off!
Were you one of the 800 lucky mountain bikers at Ignition MTB Festival this year? If you were, we probably…

Jayco Herald Sun Tour High Country Edition
Ride High Country is delighted to announce that we have secured the Jayco Herald Sun Tour next year. Australia’s oldest…

Dinner Plain MTB Photo Gallery
Saturday November 16th, 2019 was a big day for mountain biking in the High Country, with the official opening of…

Shuttles? Ready for Takeoff!!!
Did you know that MTB shuttles are available throughout summer at Mt Buller, Falls Creek and Bright? And that there…

Treadlie’s Gravel and Grit
If you are a fan of the road less travelled, be sure to check out Issue #25 of Treadlie Magazine….

7 Peaks Season Is On!
The moment that all you mountain goats have been waiting for, the official start of the 7 Peaks season, is…

Ignite your MTB Season at Falls Creek
The Mountain Bike Summer Opening just got a lot bigger. The Ignition Mountain Bike Festival, the key summer season opening for…

Pennyfarthing 100 Miler in Bright
On December 7th and 8th, 2019, visitors to Bright will be excused if they believe they have been transported back…

Dinner Plain MTB Opening Announced
Spring is here, which means that were not far away from all of our alpine resort mountain bike parks opening….